In either video (3 minutes or less) or written (500 words or fewer) format, answer four questions about your Gold Award:
1. Please summarize your Gold Award project. Summarize your project in a narrative describing the root cause, how your project addresses it, the resources you leveraged, and how you achieved your goal. Be sure to indicate how you displayed leadership, detailing 1) how you led a team to accomplish your goals and 2) how you involved appropriate community members in your solution.
2. Please describe how your project had a measurable and sustainable impact. Share the information or data you collected throughout your project and how you used it to measure your project’s impact on your issue. Be sure to share your actual results! Then, share how your project carries on or continues to have impact beyond your involvement.
3. Please describe how your project had a local connection to a national or global issue. Why does your project matter? Explain how your project meaningfully addressed an issue that is relevant nationwide and/or worldwide. Be sure to include your research and cite any sources.
4. Please describe the impact completing your Gold Award project has had on you. Be sure to include what new skills you may have gained, what qualities you have learned about yourself, and how these discoveries will help you in the future.